The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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27th September, 1989 (Ver 2.9)
About TSLIN in General
Apply a question mark ? with the program call for the description
of the program, i.e. use LINSOLVE ? for the short instructions.
The public domain version of the TSLIN package may be used and
PRIVATE usage, provided it is not changed in any way. For ANY
other use (and/or the larger version) contact the author. No
unauthorized charge for distributing this program is allowed. No
part of the package may be distributed separately.
An individually registered version is strictly for the use of the
registrant. An identical program may NOT be running on more than one
computer at a time. Likewise a site licensed copy must not be run on
any machine outside the registered site. A registration gives the
right to use the program as stated here. It does not cover tutoring
or similar user support.
The LINSOLVE program is under development. Comments and contacts
are welcome. Feedback is solicited!
Internet address: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (preferred)
Funet address: VAKK::SALMI
Bitnet address: SALMI@FINFUN
FidoNet address: 2:515/1 (Micro Maniacs Opus; To: Timo Salmi).
The author shall not be liable to the user for any direct, indirect
or consequential loss arising from the use of, or inability to use,
LINSOLVE or this package, or any other program or file howsoever
caused. No warranty is given that the system will work under all
Timo Salmi
Professor of Accounting and Business Finance
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa
P.O.BOX 297, SF-65101 Vaasa, Finland
1. Introduction
2. Linear Programming
3. Sensitivity Analysis
4. Floating Point Significance
5. Linear Goal Programming
6. Specialist's Corner
7. Other Computers and Programs
8. Release Notes for linsolve
9. Selected References on Linear and Linear Goal Programming
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LINSOLVE solves linear programming ('LP') problems interactively.
LINSOLVE can also be used to solve linear GOAL programming problems.
For more details, see the later pages.
The maximum capacity of the program is 80 variables, 55
constraints, and 10 objectives. Notice, however, that the public
domain (PD) version will not handle more than 15 variables.
You give your problem in an 'as is' facsimile format from a file
or keyboard. The program will ask your choices for the options
available. You have the choice of maximizing or minimizing, and
even printing out the Simplex-tableaux should you so wish.
Consider the following LP-problem
(Name for row:)
maximize z = 2X1 + 3X2 (Z)
subject to
X1 + 2X2 + X3 ≤ 13 (COND1)
X3 = 5 (COND2)
-X1 + X2 + 2X3 ≥ 8 (COND3)
3 ≤ X3 ≤ 6 (LO/UP)
X1,X2,X3 ≥ 0
Write LINSOLVE to call the program.
LINSOLVE first prompts for the method of input (keyboard or
file), then for the constraints, and next for the objective(s).
The problem is given to LINSOLVE in facsimile format from the
console or an ordinary text file:
COND1: X1 + 2X2 + X3 < 13
COND2: X3 = 5 !exclamation marks (!) can be
COND3: -X1 + X2 + 2X3 > 8 !used to include comments
LO: X3 > 3 !after and/or between rows
UP: X3 < 6
Z: 2X1 + 3X2
END !END can be replaced by LOPPU
Each variable, constraint and objective must be named using a
unique name. The name of a constraint, objective or variable can
be up to 10 characters long. Each constraint (and objective)
name must be followed by colon (:) to separate it from the rest of
the row.
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Spaces are ignored by the program. You can, of course,
utilize spaces to clarify the structure of the problem.
Lower and upper cases are not differentiated. (Thus e.g. "b"
and "B" are treated the same.) The alphabet consist of A-Z.
A row can be continued using an ampersand (&). E.g. the third
constraint could have been given as
COND1: X1 + 2X2 &
+ X3 < 13
Alternatively, * can be used instead of & as the continuation
LINSOLVE checks and reports syntax errors before proceeding to
solve the problem. If the input is taken from a file, the program is
aborted when an error is encountered. If the task is entered from
the keyboard, and the error is not fatal, LINSOLVE prompts for the
relevant constraint (or objective) again.
The program also prompts for the choice of output device
(screen or file), whether the objective is to minimize (if not,
then maximize), and whether the Simplex-tableaux are printed.
Using systematic extension such as .SOL in the output file
name is commendable if output is directed to a file.
Output can be directed to the screen by giving CON, or no name at
all, to the output file.
LINSOLVE optionally performs a sensitivity analysis on the
coefficients of the objective function, and the right-hand sides of
the constraints.
The sensitivity analysis for the objective function solves the
range of objective function coefficients which retain the optimum
solution. (The definition of retaining an optimum solution is that
the variables in the basis remain the same. In the case of objective
function sensitivity analysis also the values of the optimum values
of the variables remain unchanged.)
The sensitivity analysis for the right-hand sides give their
corresponding ranges retaining the optimum basis. (In this case, the
values of the variables in the optimum basis would be changed.)
The sensitivity analysis is only performed if certain conditions
are met. First, it is limited to linear programming problems with
one objective. Sensitivity analysis is thus not performed in the
case of linear goal programming problems. Second, the analysis is
performed only if the problem has a feasible, non-infinite solution.
Third, although LINSOLVE can, and will, solve problems which have
negative right-hand sides, no sensitivity analysis is performed for
such tasks.
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When formulating the original LP problem do not use very large
or small coefficients in the constraints or the objective(s).
Although seldom recognized, this requirement is endemic in most
linear programming codes. This results from the fact that the
accuracy of real numbers is always more or less limited in
computing, even if mathematically linear programming poses no
Thus, instead of e.g
400000X1 + 800000X2 < 2000000
0.004X1 + 0.008X2 < 0.02
4X1 + 8X2 < 20
In particular, do not to mix large and small coefficients in
the same problem.
In business applications, a change of unit of the variables is
often a useful trick for avoiding problems caused by computers'
limited accuracy.
Also avoid the mistake of giving the same constraint twice,
since such linear dependency can make the Simplex-algorithm
If the program terminates in an error message:
Runtime error 205 at xxxx:xxxx.
which indicates a floating point overflow, it is not a failure of
the program code, but a result of a bad scaling of your LP task.
As with linear programming, it is assumed that the user is
fully familiar with the concept of linear goal programming. If not,
the text-books by Sang M. Lee (Goal Programming for Decision
Analysis) and James P. Ignizio (Goal Programming) are recommended.
See the references at the end of these instructions.
Consider the following linear goal programming problem where P1
denotes the highest priority level. Note that the standard of goal
programming is minimization.
Minimize Z = P1(d2+) + 2P2(d1-) + 3P2(d2-)
subject to
X1 + 2X2 > 2 (ROW1)
4X1 + 2X2 + d1- = 4 (ROW2)
3X1 + 5X2 + d2- - d2+ = 3 (ROW3)
X2 < 5 (ROW4)
X1,X2,d1-,d2-,d2+ > 0
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The corresponding input to LINSOLVE should be
ROW1: X1 + 2X2 > 2
ROW2: 4X1 + 2X2 + D1N = 4
ROW3: 3X1 + 5X2 + D2N - D2P = 3
ROW4: X2 < 5
P1: D2N !Highest priority first
P2: 2D1N + 3D2N
The Algorithm
LINSOLVE applies the two-stage Simplex-method. (In linear
goal programming a corresponding multiple-stage Simplex-
method.) In both cases, artificial variables and objective
(called "Extra" in LINSOLVE_EXE) are added to the problem. In the
first stage the algorithm tries to get rid of the artificial
variables. (If it can't, the solution of the original problem is
not feasible. If this is the case, LINSOLVE duly reports the fact.)
In the subsequent stage(s) LINSOLVE finds the solution to the
problem given by the user.
If the user request LINSOLVE to print the Simplex-tableaux, the
Extra objective and Extra variables are included.
Similarly, the Extra objective appears on the listing of the
optimum solution. (Its value will become zero, if the original
problem has a feasible solution.)
Altering the zero criterion
The accuracy of the floating point arithmetic is eleven
significant digits in the Turbo Pascal 4.0 (internal) arithmetic.
Round-off errors tend accumulate in the Simplex-algorithm. To
counter this fact, all elements less than a zero-limit (5E-6) are
set to exact zero at each iteration. An experienced user may want
to alter this limit. This can be done by giving the new value as the
parameter of the program call. For example: LINSOLVE 0.0001
The optional statistics include the number of round-offs
performed by the program. The smaller the figure, the less likely
the problems due to the floating point arithmetic.
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The LINSOLVE program is also available for the Sinclair QL
computer. It is part of a Public Domain library for QUANTA members.
LINSOLVE has also been programmed for the VAX 11/750 computer at
the Vaasa University, by the author, but the input and output
commands of the VAX "TAVOPT" are in Finnish, and the program is not
public domain.
The package for drawing LP programs of two dimensions, TSDRAW, is
available separately for the PC.
In version 1.1 a bug preventing the input of more than (only)
eleven constraints was corrected.
In version 1.2 the sensitivity analysis was added to the program.
Also some minor improvements were made in the defaults, and the
information about the solution, when the solution is directed to a
file. The algorithm has been tested with more problems with known
solutions. The rare special situations where the Simplex-algorithm
is known to fail, have not yet been tested. (See notes on ver 2.1.)
In version 1.3 some minor stylistic changes were made.
In version 1.4 the possibility of entering a header on each page
of output was added. If the very first line of the task starts with
!! as in
!!A tiny task
E1: X1 + 2X2 < 2
MAX: 3X1 + 5X2
then the text "A tiny task" is used as a header for each page of
output, if the output is directed to a file. !! indicates a header,
a single ! an ordinary comment.
In version 1.5 more error checks have been added to safeguard the
user against giving input that could not be parsed into a proper LP
format. E.g. it is now checked that a continuation row really
follows after the use the the continuation marker (& or *) on the
previous row.
Version 1.6 introduces a built-in help to linsolve. Help can be
invoked by entering ? when the program asks for input. From version
1.6 it is possible to use the Scandinavian characters (Å, Ä, Ö) in
the variable, constraint and objective names.
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Version 1.7 uses an improved directory utility. If the input file
is not found, the user is given the option of listing directories on
the screen without having to exit LINSOLVE. The directory mask (file
definition) is now much more relaxed, and almost the same as for the
MS-DOS dir command. More information on this feature can be found
within the TSUTIL package. (See the TSPROG.INF file.)
Version 1.8 introduces mostly internal changes not visible to the
In version 1.9 an attempt to rewrite a read-only output file no
longer crashes the program.
Version 2.0 improves the speed of reading the problem from a
Version 2.1: A linear programming problem can generally be stated
max cx
Ax ≤ b
x ≥ 0
Version 2.1 introduces an index of the accuracy of the solution. In
linear programming computer implementations the round-off errors may
cause problems, and even deviations from optimality. To assess the
effect of these problems on the current task the final tableau the
is recalculated from the inverse matrix of the base. Then the
original solution tableau is compared with the recalculated tableau
by defining four different (in)accuracy measures. These are the sum
of absolute deviations in the left-hand side matrix A, the sum of
absolute deviations in the solution vector b, and sum of absolute
deviations in the simplex coefficients. The simplex-algorithm
version used in this program seeks the optimum by trying to get all
the simplex coefficients to be non-positive. The fourth (in)accuracy
measure is the sum of the free recalculated positive simplex
coefficients. The four inaccuracy measures are called respectively
a-inaccuracy, b-inaccuracy, z-inaccuracy, and non-optimality. The
overall inaccuracy reported together with the solution is simply the
sum of these four inaccuracies.
Another novel feature in version 2.1 is checking the special
cases caused by linear dependencies and point-like solutions. In
both these cases (see the linear programming literature) artificial
(Extra) variable(s) may remain in the optimal basis but as zero(s).
If the solution of a linear programming or a linear goal programming
problem is non-feasible then the value of the artificial variable(s)
staying in basis will be non-zero. These zero/non-zero conditions
are now detected by LINSOLVE.
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Parsing the problem (i.e. reading and interpreting it) has been
made faster, as has been computing the iterations.
The range of the zero described in an earlier section "Altering
the Zero Criterion" has been made wider, and it is now possible not
to alter the small elements at all. This is achieved by calling the
program by LINSOLVE 0. This is not advisable, though, since it
usually leads to suboptimal solutions.
Version 2.2 introduces the choice between starting each new page
of output (when directed to a file) either with a formfeed or two
blank lines (earlier it was always a formfeed). If output is
directed to the printer, that is to the file PRN, the user now has a
choice of the left margin between 0 and 20.
Version 2.3: The default output gives the values of the
variables, slacks, objectives, and the shadow prices, i.e. the
simplex coefficients of the variables in the first basis. The
simplex coefficients of the the original variables have been added
to the default output in version 2.3. They are given under the title
REDUCED COST. (For interpreting the shadow prices and reduced costs
see the appropriate literature.)
If the output is directed to a printer (that is to file PRN), the
online/offline status of the printer is now tested immediately, and
the user is notified. (In the program code, this is achieved by
using the interrupts for the testing, instead of IOResult checking.)
Version 2.4: The program has been recompiled with Turbo Pascal
5.0. The bug preventing reading a read-only file has been fixed.
(This bug was actually due to Turbo Pascal 4.0 documentation.)
Furthermore, the program now augments pathnames to filenames when
Version 2.5: Most importantly, new files have been added to the
package. See the separate documentation in MPS2EQU.INF and in
chapter 9. As to linsolve, if an input file is not found, the user
has been given the option of listing directories from within
linsolve. This directory routine has been rewritten for a more
relaxed syntax and tighter code. A bug in the heap control has been
fixed. This caused problems in rare cases during the out of memory
condition. The maximum number of objectives in linear goal
programming was one too small because of a bug. This has been fixed.
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Version 2.6: Modern technology (sometimes not so modern :-) makes
it possible to project a computer screen using an overhead projector
onto a wall screen e.g. for classroom usage. In trying this out, I
noticed, that it would be useful to have the option of changing the
linsolve colors. The consequent new usage of the LINSOLVE call is
LINSOLVE [/fx (foreground color)] [/bx (background color)]
[/zxx.x (zero criterion)] [/h (help)]
The simplest way of changing the colors is using just LINSOLVE /f,
which will give you a white text on black background. The /f and /b
parameters can include a color number ranging from 0-15 for the
foreground, and 0-7 for the background. For the color map, either
experiment, or see a Turbo Pascal manual for TextColor constants.
I have made a couple of minor internal changes to speed up the
program at certain phases. Also, the help screen can now be directed
to a file, or to the printer. For this, use LINSOLVE /h > PRN.
Version 2.7: This revision includes two major enhancements. The
capacity of the program has been increased from 55x80 constraints
and variables to 80x120. The second enhancement is the possibility
of input recall with line-editing.
A well-known bottle-neck of MsDos is the fact that the Intel 808x
processors limit array sizes to 64K. To use larger arrays special
techniques are needed. LINSOLVE version 2.7 employs the so-called
huge-arrays method. This means enhanced capacity, but also slightly
slower code. LINSOLVE still runs in the memory, and remains fast,
contrary to many other LP programs using sloo..oow disk access in
The possibility of input recall with line-editing is introduced.
This means that in giving input from the keyboard, you have the
following extra input keys available: Home, End, CursorLeft,
CursorRight, CursorUp, Delete, and Esc. CursorUp is the recall key.
The others are self-explanatory. This option is particularly useful
in giving the linear programming task from the keyboard in classroom
usage. That is the primary reason why I added this feature into
Version 2.8: The public domain task size limits have been
increased to 55x25 from 55x15. Line-editing has been made more
context sensitive, and the Insert key has been made functional.
Version 2.9: If output is directed to a file, the file ready
message now also contains the file size in bytes. The acceptable
file names now also include the ( ) and _ characters.
- 10 -
Gass, Saul I. Linear Programming: Methods and Applications. Second
edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.
Hadley, G. Linear Programming. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
1962. (This is one of the classics on the mathematics of linear
Ignizio, James P. Goal Programming and Extensions. Lexington
Books, 1976.
Ignizio, James p. "A Review of Goal Programming: A Tool for
Multiobjective Analysis", Journal of the Operational Research
Society, Vol. 29, No. 11 (November 1978), ss. 1109-1119.
Jennergren, Peter L. "Linear programming on a micro - The case of
the Apple II", European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 19,
No. 2 (February 1985), pp. 212-216.
Jääskeläinen, Veikko. Lineaarinen optimointi ja budjetointi.
Ekonomia-sarja 18. Tapiola: Weilin+Göös, 1972.
Jääskeläinen, Veikko. Linear Programming and Budgeting. Malmö,
Sweden: Student-litteratur, 1975. (One of the very few good
applications oriented text-books on the utilization of linear
programming. Covers also linear goal programming.)
Kallio, Markku. A Corporate Planning Model. Research Paper D-17.
Helsinki School of Economics, January 1977.
Lee, Sang M. Goal Programming for Decision Analysis. Philadelphia:
Auerbach Publishers Inc., 1972. (out of print?)
Perälä, Tarja. Tavoiteoptimointi ja investointipäätökset.
Tutkielma kvantitatiivisen yritysanalyysin koulutusohjelmassa.
Vaasan korkeakoulu 1982. (Sisältää kattavan lähdeluettelon.)
Salmi, Timo. Lineaarinen optimointi ja sen soveltaminen. Täydennetty
painos. Vaasan korkeakoulu, 1981. (Yksinkertaistettu johdatus
Schniederjans, Mark J. Linear Goal Programming. Princeton, New
Jersey: Petrocelli Books, 1984. (Contains a lot of further
Stadler, Hartmut & Maren Groenenveld & Heidrun Hermanssen. "A
Comparison of LP Software on Personal Computers for Industrial
Applications", European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 35,
No. 2 (May 1988), pp. 146-159.